If you have an unsightly birthmark and would like to reduce its appearance or remove it entirely with a non-surgical procedure, Laser Touch Medical Clinic can help.
If you want to remove a birthmark or greatly reduce its appearance, Dr. Hakimian will first have to determine what type of birthmark it is. Some birthmarks are raised above the skin, such as moles, while others appear as a discoloration of the skin itself. Some raised birthmarks are vascularized (that is, they contain blood vessels), while others are not. Some birthmarks are not birthmarks at all, but rather broken capillariesor spider veins visible under the skin. Once Dr. Hakimian determines what type of birthmark you have, he can begin treating it appropriately.
For broken capillaries or spider veins, Dr. Hakimian may opt for either an injection treatment to shrink and dissolve the veins, or a laser vein therapy treatment. A laser vein therapy treatment uses lasers to dissolve broken capillaries and spider veins without damaging the surrounding blood vessels and tissues.
For birthmarks that are characterized by a discoloration of the skin, Dr. Hakimian will most likely opt for a laser and light procedure to treat your skin. Several laser and light procedures can treat discolored spots on the skin by penetrating deep into the dermis to rejuvenate the skin. Laser and light procedures that treat discolored skin include Blue Light Therapy, MicroLaserPeel™, ProFractional™, and SkinTyte™.
At Laser Touch Medical Clinic, Dr. Hakimian can help determine what form of treatment is right for you.
The friendly and knowledgeable staff will be happy to discuss birthmark removal and any of our other facial procedures with you. Please call us at 1-888-LASER-15 (1-888-527-3715) to schedule an appointment at any of our five Laser Touch Medical Clinics or schedule an appointment online.